You can access ASINScope conversion service with an API, which allows to convert ASIN to and from EAN, UPC, MPN and retrieve other product information.
{ "items": [ { "asin": "B01NAL48FU", "ean": "5023231006851", "upc": "754806251172", "mpn": "DWIN500-5", "bsr": 1087, "category": "Sports & Outdoors", "brand": "Winmau", "title": "Winmau Blade 5 Bristle Dartboard", "productGroup": "Sports", "lowestNewPrice": 64.99, "lowestFormattedPrice": "$64.99", "soldByAmazon": false, "packageDimensions": { "height": 1.77, "width": 17.8, "length": 17.8, "weight": 10.89 }, "upcList": [ "754806251172" ], "eanList": [ "5023231006851" ], "totalNew": 2, "smallImage": "", "mediumImage": "" } ], "dailyTokensLeft": 984, "bucketSize": 59, "msBeforeNextDailyToken": 84750854, "consumedTokens": 1 }
ASINScope API is designed for simplicity and effectiveness. To demonstrate just how easy it is to use, here's an example of a request and response.
API is available with a monthly subscription. The plans are all prepaid for 1 month with automatic renewal. A subscription can be cancelled at any time. The access to API is limited with per-day and per-minute limits. In order to use the API you need toSign up or, if you already have an account: Log in
per month
1,000 products/day
Bucket capacity: 60
Refill Rate: 10/min
per month
10,000 products/day
Bucket capacity: 120
Refill Rate: 60/min